
Update on remix it jam

 Yeah the jams pretty much finished by now, and I got so side tracked with my coursework that I didn't end up completing what I set out to do. The game won't be getting published as i believe that there is not enough gameplay to call it a "game". So yah, better luck next time I guess 😅

Remix it Jam Pt2

 Yeah this is not easy, Godot comes with a whole lot of new challenges, and I'm still struggling with just the barebones of what makes a game. Luckily it's 15:11 and I still have allot of time to get this game completed, but my god if it's not causing me a headache and a half. Hopefully this will be the only time I struggle to get anything done. Reminds me of when I started making unity games, and I would stay up for hours learning the basics of programming, only difference is when I used to use unity I felt like it was walking my hand through it the whole time, but now I feel like I'm on a dirt course trying to find a place to land my feet. I'll update later tonight when I feel less stressed.

Remix It Jam 2023 Pt1

 Day 1 There's only 3 days and 19 hours since joining the jam, this might be more difficult than I first anticipated, luckily the jam is about remixing the example game. I start by creating a project, now what to call it, hmm... let's just call it remix for now. Now to watch a million videos on how to actually use godot.